  • 2 November 2022

Call for researchers to join workshops on the StoryNavigator

In the project 'Navigating Stories in Times of Transition', University of Twente develops software which aims to automate parts of the analyses of narratives.

These narratives include, but are not limited to, stories of people’s personal experiences with Covid-19. University of Twente is developing a friendly graphical user interface, on top of contemporary computational analyses and text-mining tools, which composes and visualises i.e., genres or topics of narratives, distinct plot structures, and actor-orientations. The intention is make this software available as part of the CLARIAH research infrastructure.

As human interpretation and the ability to manually engage with and re-analyse data is crucial, they are looking for interested researchers from a variety of disciplines to join their workshops starting early 2023. The goal of these workshops is twofold: to provide researchers with usable tools, which assist in more mundane aspects of research, while feedback for the improvement of those tools is gathered.

If you are interested in potentially joining the workshops, or have any other questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.