  • 16 Juni 2022
  • CLARIAH Lunch Lecture Online

CANCELLED - Detecting Translation Patterns in the Peshitta

This lunch lecture has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.

Datum en tijd

Donderdag 16-06-2022, 12:00-13:00 uur


Zoom link: https://knaw-nl.zoom.us/j/84217791926

Meeting ID: 842 1779 1926

Passcode: 375553

In this lunch talk I will summarize our findings for the PaTraCoSy project (PAtterns in TRAnslation: Using COlibri Core for the SYriac Bible). The overall goal of this project is to use the Colibri Core environment to detect translation patterns between the Hebrew Bible and the Peshitta, its Syriac translation, thus providing a follow-up of the CLARIAH research pilot Linking Syriac Data.

First, we will explain the goals of the project, the value of the Hebrew-Syriac corpus for computational studies, and the purpose of the CLARIAH component Colibri-Core within our project. After these preliminaries, we will continue to discuss the results in three steps. First of all, we will discuss the creation of word and phrase alignments for our language pair, as this is a necessary step to use Colibri-Core. We will also provide examples to clarify the alignment procedure. Secondly, we will show how we use several features of Colibri-Core to identify remarkable translation patterns.

After a discussion of some general insights, we will show a typology of attested patterns, each characterized by a concrete example from the book of Genesis. Thirdly, we will indicate the usefulness of log-likelihood computation for a further clarification of these results.

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Mathias Coeckelbergs, Teaching Assistant and PhD student

Mathias Coeckelbergs, Teaching Assistant and PhD student

Université libre de Bruxelles and KU Leuven - Freelance collaborator at ETCBC, VU Amsterdam.