  • 15 Juni 2023

CLARIAH at TABU Dag 2023

TABU Dag is an international linguistics conference organized at the University of Groningen. The conference offers an excellent opportunity to meet fellow researchers and discuss current topics in all fields of linguistics.

Datum en tijd

Thursday 15 June & Friday 16 June


University of Groningen

TABU Dag is an international linguistics conference organized at the University of Groningen on 15 and 16 June 2023. TABU Dag originated from the University's linguistic journal TABU (taalbulletin, 'language bulletin'), and over the last 40 years, the event has developed into a well-established conference with a varied programme and guest speakers from different fields.

The conference offers an excellent opportunity to meet fellow researchers and discuss current topics in all fields of linguistics, including but not limited to neurolinguistics, computational linguistics, language acquisition, semantics, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, discourse analysis, and text analysis. Graduate students and postdoctoral researchers are particularly encouraged to present their work at TABU Dag.


From CLARIAH, Martin Kroon (Work Package 3) will be present. Martin will be giving an introductory talk about CLARIAH. He will then zoom in on the linguistics tools developed by CLARIAH WP3 by presenting use cases. Among other things, he will explain what these tools can yield, what they are useful for and how to access them. Martin's presentation will take place from 13:40 - 14:10.

For more information about TABU Dag, you can visit their event page using the button below.