FAIR Data for Historical Games
PLAYFAIR is concerned with how semantic web technologies can help connect Ancient Games data available from various sources and formats, in an universal and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) manner.
The PLAYFAIR team will develop a knowledge graph using CLARIAH, define requirements and explore ideas, new methods, and improvements to make FAIR data, with special attention as to whether the WP4 Tools help enhance data published on the web in digital humanities.
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The ERC-Digital Ludeme Project (DLP) is constructing a database of historical evidence for Ancient games, aiming at modeling the evolution of games throughout history. This database is unique in its scale, and its development is constrained by the unreliable nature of the data, lacking standards with other historical datasets. PLAYFAIR will apply FAIR principles to our dataset to maximise its usefulness and longevity, and explore the use of Semantic Web and Linked Data (LD) approaches for this purpose.
We will connect our dataset — that is the world’s most comprehensive dataset on Ancient games — with others, to make a universally FAIR to everyone, and find sources for additional data to complete our own set.
PLAYFAIR will tackle the challenge of developing an LD workflow using CLARIAH, show the power of the Semantic Web to answering a research question, and enhance data published on the Web in any applications of digital humanities.
Current developments
Datasets and graphs
Project info
Researcher, Maastricht University